2025 Directory
Family Album
Deadline Extended - December 1st
Now that 'everyone' has shared a photo to include in the Album, we've extended the deadline so that 'everyone else' can provide one, too!
Extended Family Photos
We also need photos that feature members of your extended Sts. Peter & Paul family. Pics you've taken from past Festivals, Pascha Picnics, Fundraising Events or Church Services like Holy Week, Baptisms, and Weddings would be ideal. Send your submissions to rick@salmonroe.com
Top Submissions May Win A Prize!
We're looking for the best of your best. The one's you can't wait to show everyone to which they may reply ...
"Oh my, Gosh. That one's amazing!"
"The light in this one is beautiful"
"That is too funny!"
"They're all great but THAT one's the best."
"You gotta send me that one!"
"That looks like one Rick would take!"
Please include the event, date, and names of each of the photos you're submitting.