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Adult Education

Bible Study

Bible Study is taking a break for the summer.  We will resume classes beginning in September.  If you would like to get caught up on our study of 1 Corinthians, you can access Father Gabriel's podcast, "Alive in Christ" by clicking the button below.  

Lessons on the Divine Liturgy

Learn about the service of the Divine Liturgy through detailed weekly lessons given by Fr. Gabriel during his sermons.  This includes information on traditions, prayers, the act of worship, and more.  Contact Fr. Gabriel directly if you have any questions.  

Divine Liturgy Lessons

Divine Liturgy Lessons

Divine Liturgy Lessons
Divine Liturgy Lesson 1

Divine Liturgy Lesson 1

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Divine Liturgy Lesson 2

Divine Liturgy Lesson 2

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Divine Liturgy Lesson 3

Divine Liturgy Lesson 3

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